Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Ag day Registrations

Just a reminder that your animals and plants have to be registered for Ag day. Here are the links for the registration.
Simply fill in the correct form by clicking on the appropriate link below and register your animal or plant.

Be sure to read all the Ag Day rules on our Ag Day website.
Mrs Loser

Thank you
A really big thank you to all the parents and grandparents that helped us out at Motat today. The outing was a great success and this was thanks to the excellent hands on supervision from all of you. 
Warm regards
Mrs Loser and Room 10

Friday, August 5, 2016

Term 3 week 3 diary dates

Term 3 - Week 3 notices and reminders

Diary Dates:
  • Tuesday - Ag day information assembly 9am
  • Wednesday - Sausage sizzle
  • Wednesday - School Cross Country
  • Thursday - Subway orders due in by 10am
  • Friday - Second hand uniform shop open 8.30am
  • Friday -  Subway

Reminder to visit our school website for all our school notices, community notices, school newsletters, class blogs etc.

Cross country - Wednesday
Our school country will be held on Wednesday 10 August with a save day of Friday 12 August. Students have been training hard for this last term and will continue to do so until the big event! We hope you can join us to encourage the children on as they run.

Our year 0-3 students will start at 9:20am and the races will go in year level order (girls, then boys). We hope to have the prize giving for our juniors at 10:45.

Our year 4-8 students will start at 11am and will race in year level order (girls, then boys). The day should conclude by 1pm and we will hold the prize giving in the hall either straight after the races or else after lunch at 2pm, depending on time.

Children should wear their house colours on the day. Shoes for our senior students are now compulsory due to a change of rules at ECCS level. For our juniors, it is optional depending on each individual's running preference.

There will be baps and sausages available for parents and grandparents and spectators to purchase throughout the morning.
There will be baps and sausages available for children to purchase only after all the races are completed - for juniors this will be after the prize giving and for seniors at lunchtime.


Dear parents
Room 10 have had a busy week buddy reading with different classes. They have been learning about  Margaret Mahy and reading her stories. 
 The book parade was a huge success and all the children looked amazing. Thank you for all your effort and hard work at home.
The best bunch by far!